free™ kit contains reagents that can efficiently and completely digest DNA and Enzymes and divalent cations can be removed after enzymatic digestion.
Note: If you would like to purchase the enzyme separately without the inactivation and cation removal reagents, please see
free™ Kit features include:
•Highly active TURBO™ DNase has greater catalytic capacity than wild-type DNase I
• Removes trace amounts of DNA that may interfere with RT-PCR
• Contains reagents that completely remove DNase without the need for phenol treatment or heating
Especially suitable for removal before RT-PCR Genomic DNATURBO™ DNase is a recombinantly engineered form of DNase I that is more effective than wild-type DNase I in cleaving trace amounts of unwanted DNA. TURBO™ DNase binds to DNA substrates more tightly than 6 times that of traditional DNase I, making this enzyme a good choice for removing residual DNA that can produce false positive signals in RT-PCR applications. TURBO™ DNase now includes a booster that increases effectiveness by two orders of magnitude.
Efficiently removes DNase and divalent cations without the need for organic extraction or precipitationRoutine DNase treatment of RNA samples prior to RT-PCR usually requires phenol:CHCl
3 Extraction or heating to inactivate DNase, followed by a precipitation step to concentrate RNA phenol: CHCl
3 The extraction process is tedious and time-consuming. Heating the sample to inactivate DNase may cause chemical degradation of RNA due to divalent cations present in the DNase buffer. TURBO DNA-
free™ kit uses a new DNase inactivating reagent to avoid these problems. In addition to removing TURBO™ DNase from the reaction, the inactivating reagent binds to and removes divalent cations in the TURBO™ DNase reaction buffer.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.